Membership Directory - Corporate

YYC Beeswax

Member Since: 2023


About the business: YYC Beeswax is a Calgary-based company offering a range of ready-made small batch beeswax products and educational opportunities.
Company Website Address:
Industry: Home & Garden
Ownership Structure: Privately Owned
Origin story of business name: I wanted a short URL and having six characters seemed like a great idea (from a technical perspective). The airport code of Calgary is YYC and beeswax can be shortened to wax, so it was a perfect URL! We are in the process of rebranding many of our products into The Abelo Collection focusing on a higher end look and feel. YYC Beeswax will remain for our DIY supplies and workshops. Abelo means bee in Esperanto, which is an academic language created for trade. Esperanto also means hope. I love the story behind the creation of the language and hope to see our products distributed around the world at some point!
Social impact practices your company is most proud of?: We work with a lot of student groups to help them finish course work for university programs. To date, we have sponsored fourth year engineering design teams, marketing students, and more! We also provide employment to students as we can.
Environmental impact practices your company is most proud of?: We use lean manufacturing processes and are very deliberate about packaging our product and reusing packaging for shipping. We are always evaluating the packaging we use and whether we can minimize it, eliminate it, or find more environmentally sustainable materials.
Certified Living Wage Provider?: No
A picture paints a thousand words: 2018-07-15 15.57.17.jpg